
Xine One Released!

The day has finally come!

After a week of rah-rah posts and anticipation—and thank you for your patience on that count—it is finally time to release Xine One and Cortex Lite into the wild.

I could not be more excited or sick to my stomach at the same time.

We’ve worked long and hard to get this zine just right, and we’re itching to to see the response from you lovely people of the Cortex Community—and beyond! It’s really something special.

We’re also itching to start work on Xine Two, the next issue of the best Cortex Community zine in the world. To do that, we’re going to need funding. Xine pays its contributors—both writers and artists—which is why we can hit our standards of quality. We think it’s worth it, and we hope you do, too.

Please consider supporting Xine. Every little bit helps, whether it’s one-time or recurring, whether it’s a buck or more.

(And there’s a couple nice perks for supporters, too.)

When we say that Xine is a Cortex Community zine, this is part of what we mean: if you and the rest of this community like seeing stuff like this, and you want to see more, we need your support.

Yes, Yes, Okay, Where are the Download Links?

Let’s get to the meat and potatoes, shall we?

We are using the good folks at to host our file downloads because nobody keeps better metrics for views and downloads.

If for whatever reason you can’t use, drop us a comment below. We’ll respond directly (and the comment won’t get published).